sir ,
i made a vi that runs two pm dc motors for a finite duration of time
and there is overlap period in which both the pm dc motors run
simultaneously ,the vi is able to do the task but the following error
is appearing 4 times in the middle of the cycles . i have attached the
error.1 jpg and the program , please rectify the vi .
why is that this error is appearing so commonly , could u tell me
where i am wrong , so that i will rectify myself and learn from that .
please also send me a vi using daq max how to acquire analog input data
for more no of channels, say 4 or 5 channels at a time synchronized and
simultaneously .i tried to acquire two channels analog input from two
tacho generators , but i am am not able to read the data as it is
vacillating , please suggest me how to read the correct values of the
tachos , because noise is also adding up to the signal and even though
mean of the dc signal is taken , i am not getting the correct result .
if the value of the tacho is 6.5 volts after the data acquistion is
done the readings in the graph are ranging from 5.5 to 7.5 . how can i
acquire the correct reading . please guide me .
thanking you
Deepak Kumar
M.Tech , Power and Energy Systems