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error-1073807343 in labview 8.6

I want to solve this problem in labview 8.6


" Error-1073807343 occured at VISA open in Keithley>Biofuel"



What is problem ?



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Message 1 of 4
What is the device or resource that you are specifying? Have you checked in MAX to see if it's there? Did you select the resource by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the VISA Resource Control or did you just type something into the control?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

I am sorry


I do not understanding. could you tell me more detail and easy?



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Message 3 of 4

There are numerous references to VISA and instrument drivers on the NI site. You might want to review them before you start using them.


The basics are that there is an API called VISA. This abstracts specific hardware interfaces. For example, by using VISA, a programmer can write a single program that can communicate to an instrument that might have a GPIB, RS-232, Ethernet, USB, or other type interface. You specify the instrument you want to talk to with a VISA Resource Name control. This should be on the front panel of the initialize VI. The syntax for a GPIB resource is GPIBx::INSTR:nn where x is the number of the GPIB interface (usually 0) and xx is the GPIB address of the instrument. If you are using a GPIB interface part of the installatio instructions is to do a scan for instruments in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer). MAX is utility program that should be on your desktop. MAX will have a list of all available VISA resources. This will be GPIB instruments as well as printer and serial ports. This all assumes that you have actually installed NI-VISA. The software listing in MAX will show what you have installed.


On the initialize VI and the resource name control, there is a little arrow on the right side. You can click on it and view a list of the resources. Select the one that matches your instrument. If you are using serial, then select the com port that the instrument is connected to. Based on the error, I suspect you just used whatever default value was in the control.

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Message 4 of 4