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error 1706, can't find Runtime 8.2.1

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I have recently started getting an erro that my runtime 8.2.1 needs to be configured, every time I try to load labview ( 2010 1nd now 2011)  The error 1706 is because I don't/can't install 8.2.1.  Not sure it is the code for myruntime issue.


Here is the sequence of events.


LabVIEW tries to start and a window annnounces:  "please wait while labview configures the run-time engine 8.2.1"

Then a "feature you are tyring to use is on a CD ROM or other removable disk not available" window pops up and asks for the RUn-Time Engine 8.2.1 disk.  I don't have the 8.2.1 disk, but have 8.2 and 8.5 and up.


After canceling the pop up is "error 1706, valid source can't be found."


I have done the following to no fix.

Uninstall and re-instal

 Installed LabVIEW 2011

 Run the 8.2.1 runtime "exe", but it does not attempt to install 8.2.1 as it already sees the runtime (I guess)


Any help of suggestions would be appreciated.




Mark Ramsdale
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3
Accepted by Mark_Ramsdale

Hello Mark,


I think you should try installing the LabVIEW 8.2.1 Run-time engine. This should have been installed when you reinstalled LabVIEW, but try manually installing it:


The links to a patch for 8.2.1 - the most current version. If that install doesn't work, install the unpatched 8.2.1 first:

Message 2 of 3



Thanks for the input. 


Here is what ended up working.  I searched for " 8.2.1f7" to download the patch for the 8.2.1f7 runtime. (the first link)   Although the patch would still not install the new runtime, I was able to point the pop up window (asking for the 8.2.1 disk) to the directory where the patch unzipped and it installed.  Problem solved.


Some notes:

a)Max showed I have 8.2.1 installed.  When I tried to install the 8.2.1 runtime and the 8.2.1f7 runtime neither would install, as LabVIEW thought/saw 8.2.1 runtime already installed.

b) I could not use the 8.2.1 files in the unzipped folder, from the runtime.exe download.  The pop up would tell me it was the wrong file, even though the file name in the pop up (allegedly missing, a MSI file) was the same as the filename I pointed to ( the MSI in the unzipped directory).  This is the 8.2.1,  not the "f7" version

c) I would get the pop up ( asking me to install runtime 8.2.1) when launching the new GPIB interactive or the new NI spy.


Mark Ramsdale
Message 3 of 3