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error 1967362033

Hello all,

after deploying the hardware,error 1967362033 appears(as attached)! can anyone plz help me with that? Shall i clean the memory or sth, caz earlier i could run the program without problems.

thanks and best regards,



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Message 1 of 8

Hi Samira,


which version of LabVIEW do you use? Did you change something if everything worked fine earlier? Did you upgrade LabVIEW?


There was a bug in an older LabVIEW version.


If you use DSC the following KB could help.

Why Do I Receive Error -1967362033 When Using the Set User Defined Alarm VI?


Beat regards


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Message 2 of 8

Hello Raphael,


thanks for the reply. I am using Labview 2012, CRIO 9024 as the master device, Kuka Youbot(not from NI) as the Ethernet Slave device, with a platform and an arm. MAX recognizes all devices, so does Project Explorer. I wanna run an object oriented program to move the platform and arm. The robot platform used to move,  but then the following error msg prevents the program from running. I have no idea what to do! Can u please help me?


One or more of the set of VIs which this dynamic dispatch subVI or property item may call are broken. Each LabVIEW class may own a VI with the same name as a VI owned by the parent of the class or older ancestor. The dynamic dispatch subVI or property item will call one of these VIs, chosen when the subVI or property item actually executes. If any of the VIs are broken, then this subVI or property item also is broken.

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Message 3 of 8



At the moment I don't have a lot of ideas.


Did you implement the LabVIEW project and VIs yourself or does Kuka supply the files?

If the latter is the case. Is it possible to redownload and/or reinstall the files? Is there a download link so I could download the project myself?



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Message 4 of 8

hello Raphael,

reinstalling does not help. The files are not sent from Kuka.



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Message 5 of 8

Hello Raphael,

i attach a schematic of the program and the error msg, maybe u'll have an idea where the problem lies.



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Message 6 of 8

Hi Samira


thanks for the screenshot.


When exactly does the error list appear? And when the error message 1967362033?


The error list would suggest that some subVIs have errors. I also found this entry in the LabVIEW 2012 help:


If you click on the "Show Error" button of the error list you should be able to see what is wrong with the subVIs. Because those subVIs come from KUKA it's difficult give you a lot of help. Is the error in the subVI highlighted when you click "Show Error"?



Message 7 of 8

Hello Raphael,

thanks for the reply, it really helped.

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Message 8 of 8