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error 56 and 66 during interfacing simulink with labview via simulation interface toolkit

i am trying to interface matlab (R2010a 32bit) with labview (2010 32bit) using simulation interface toolkit 5.0 in matlab, when i run NISITServer on matlab the following msg displays (which is a 1st attachment), now for testing puropse i am following this link , but while using this example first i got an error 56 (which is attached on 2nd), but somehow i resolved this issue through this link .  . But after resolving this error i got another error which is an error 66 (which is attached).
How these errors can be removed??
Another issue is sometimes when i run NISITServer it shows

>> NISITServer
Starting the SIT Server on port 6011
??? Error using ==> NISITServer Unable to launch interface window.

whats the reason behind this error and how i can solve this and above errors ?

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Message 1 of 8

Do you have a supported compiler set up? This KnowledgeBase has a compatibility chart for compilers with SIT and VeriStand. Also, did you follow the steps listed under 2012 and previous in this KnowledgeBase when you were setting everything up?

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

thanks for reply,

i'm using these compilers but still getting an error which i have mentioned earlier.. am i using correct compilers?
is there a issue with my compiler or something else? 

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Message 3 of 8

You can check what compilers are available and selected for use by running a "mex -setup" command in MATLAB®. Once you know what compilers are available you can compare this to the compatibility list.


MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Thanks for reply

I have installed the following compiler which i'm using (attached in figure 1), when i am running mex -setup it shows only 2 compiler, after selecting 2 it shows the msg (attached in figure 2) after doing all these steps in MATLAB, i ran a labview example model of SIT, it shows these two error (attached in figure 3). When i didn't select TCP/IP in the option in VI sever it gives an error 56 and when i select TCP/IP, it gives error 66.

What are the reason behind these error? required solution of these error?

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Message 5 of 8

It sounds like the compiler was not setup correctly during the install. Did you follow the steps in this KnowledgeBase?

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
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Message 6 of 8

Sorry for late reply,

yes.. I am following all the steps mentioned in link.
But can't get a way to solve my problem.
Still need a help.

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Message 7 of 8

The main thing I am concerned about is this error you see in MATLAB® when you select your compiler.


Compiler Error.PNG


You will need to make sure MATLAB® recognizes your compiler before you are able to build a model. You may need to repair your compiler installation.


MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
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Message 8 of 8