02-21-2015 01:54 PM
i am trying to interface matlab (R2010a 32bit) with labview (2010 32bit) using simulation interface toolkit 5.0 in matlab, when i run NISITServer on matlab the following msg displays (which is a 1st attachment), now for testing puropse i am following this link http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3057/en/ , but while using this example first i got an error 56 (which is attached on 2nd), but somehow i resolved this issue through this link http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/D90C4F99C1EF3F6A86256E4A0080A120 . . But after resolving this error i got another error which is an error 66 (which is attached).
How these errors can be removed??
Another issue is sometimes when i run NISITServer it shows
>> NISITServer
Starting the SIT Server on port 6011
??? Error using ==> NISITServer Unable to launch interface window.
whats the reason behind this error and how i can solve this and above errors ?
02-23-2015 03:37 PM
Do you have a supported compiler set up? This KnowledgeBase has a compatibility chart for compilers with SIT and VeriStand. Also, did you follow the steps listed under 2012 and previous in this KnowledgeBase when you were setting everything up?
03-01-2015 12:07 PM
thanks for reply,
i'm using these compilers but still getting an error which i have mentioned earlier.. am i using correct compilers?
is there a issue with my compiler or something else?
03-02-2015 10:09 AM
You can check what compilers are available and selected for use by running a "mex -setup" command in MATLAB®. Once you know what compilers are available you can compare this to the compatibility list.
MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
03-12-2015 11:43 AM
Thanks for reply
I have installed the following compiler which i'm using (attached in figure 1), when i am running mex -setup it shows only 2 compiler, after selecting 2 it shows the msg (attached in figure 2) after doing all these steps in MATLAB, i ran a labview example model of SIT, it shows these two error (attached in figure 3). When i didn't select TCP/IP in the option in VI sever it gives an error 56 and when i select TCP/IP, it gives error 66.
What are the reason behind these error? required solution of these error?
03-13-2015 02:04 PM
It sounds like the compiler was not setup correctly during the install. Did you follow the steps in this KnowledgeBase?
03-26-2015 12:13 PM
Sorry for late reply,
yes.. I am following all the steps mentioned in link.
But can't get a way to solve my problem.
Still need a help.
03-27-2015 01:41 PM
The main thing I am concerned about is this error you see in MATLAB® when you select your compiler.
You will need to make sure MATLAB® recognizes your compiler before you are able to build a model. You may need to repair your compiler installation.
MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.