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error 7 in GPIB / NI-488

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Dear colleagues,


I am trying to communicate with a Keithley SMU 236 on Labview 2009 running under Windows XP. 

Writing commands through VISA works fine, but writing with GPIB functions doesn't work. I receive following error messages:


Fehler 7 ist bei GPIB: Schreiben in aufgetreten

Mögliche Ursachen:

LabVIEW:  Datei nicht gefunden. Die Datei wurde eventuell verschoben oder gelöscht, oder der Pfad ist falsch angegeben. Verwenden Sie zum Beispiel unter Windows als Pfadseparator einen umgekehrten Schrägstrich (\), unter Mac OS einen Doppelpunkt (:) und unter Linux einen Schrägstrich (/). Überprüfen Sie anhand des DOS-Eingabefensters oder Datei-Explorers die Richtigkeit des Pfads.
NI-488:  GPIB-Schnittstelle existiert nicht.


Since it's german here is a summarized translation:


error 7 in GPIB:WRITE in


possible reasons:

LABVIEW: File not found.



NI-488: GPIB-Interface does not exist.





The Program is attached.


Thx for Your help!





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Message 1 of 6

You should be using VISA exclusively. Why would you want to use the lower level GPIB functions?


Are you using an actual GPIB board from NI? The LabVIEW GPIB functions require that.

Message 2 of 6

Thx for Your fast reply.

The actual reason for using GPIB is related to other intruments driver I want to use: The instrument drivers for SMU 236 provided by Keithley use GPIB functions in their VI's. Actually all of these VI's don't work on our system and we figured that the reason seem to be the not working GPIB functions. I thought it would be easier to get GPIB:Write etc running than changing in all VI's to the VISA functions.


I am a beginner in using LabView, so if You suggest changing all GPIB to VISA fuctions I will do that.



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Message 3 of 6

forgot to answer your other question:


If i interpret the device manager right we have an Agilent 82351 PCI Express GPIB interface. But I have to check if we bought this from NI or not and will update you asap.




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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author benin02

NI doesn't sell Agilent GPIB boards. That's like Microsoft selling Apple products. In order to use an Agilent GPIB board you will have to use VISA. Also, read this:

Message 5 of 6

So we have the apple product! Great Smiley Happy !

Thx a lot for Your help!

I will change everything to VISA functions than.


best regards!



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Message 6 of 6