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error while making a graph in excel

I can create an excel file + worksheet + inserting data. But when i try to make a graph i get the error:
Error accessing the OLE registry.
in Excel Import>Excel Insert>Excel Easy>

i searched the forum but couldn't find the answer, i am using the functions 'report generation'.

I got my information from the tutorial :
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Message 1 of 3
you most have eather a simple problem or your registry is flawed anyways did you try this found it on web.

Make sure that you are logged into the computer as local Administrator, or are part of the local Administrator group.
To identify which registry key is causing the problem use Regmon (a freeware tool published by SysInternals). Use Regmon to capture all registry access when regsvr32 is run. If an �OpenKey� request fails with �Access Denied� (which is listed by Regmon as �ACCDENIED�) then run regedt32 and check the permissions on that registry key. If necessary change the permissions on the key to grant local Administrators �Full Control�.
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Message 2 of 3
you are right, i was logged in as user. As admin it works.

thx 🙂
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Message 3 of 3