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estimate SIMO model; output dimensions?



I am trying to identify a model for an experimental system. The system has only one input; angular velocity in RPM;

Inorder to analyse the system out put dynamics ( a whirling disc); there are 3 ouputs; angular velocity in RPM and linear accelerations about the x and y axis .


I found a LV program :SIMO model extimation example'  where they have input the multiple outputs as data arrays into the estimate model block.


Can I use the same for my problem? or should the input and outputs be all of the same quatity??


Please advice,





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Message 1 of 2

Hi Ruser,


Where did you find the example program? Can you either give a link to it or attach it? It is a bit hard to answer your question without seeing the example and having a bit more information about your application. It sounds like you should be able to take that example code and modify it to your application since both are SIMO, but it is hard to say without more information.



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