03-10-2008 08:27 PM
I am reading in data from an excel spreadsheet. I sampled the data at 1000Hz. The 2 columns of my spreadsheet have voltages and corresponding times (in millisec). However when I graph the data it appears the instead of reading milliseconds the “excel read-in” reads seconds. Is there any way to format the reading process or to convert the timescale? Thanks
03-10-2008 09:34 PM
03-11-2008 07:20 PM
I am using the read from spreadsheet function. I was wondering how to specify the time. In my spreadsheet I have it in milliseconds, but LabVEIW graphs it in seconds. Thanks
03-11-2008 07:57 PM - edited 03-11-2008 07:58 PM
So if it's milliseconds, divide by 1000.
If your data looks something like:
0 .435
1 .572
2 .249
and the first column is milliseconds, do like I said with indexing the array and creating a waveform data type. Something like shown below. If you continue to have problems, post your code and an example data file.
03-11-2008 08:55 PM
Sorry and please bare with me as I am new to labview. I tried to re-create your code. I also have my data formatted with time in milliseconds in one column and the data in the other. However when I run the code i am not getting any data on the graph. If you have any tips to help me out with this please let me know. I include my version of your block diagram. thanks
03-11-2008 09:06 PM
03-11-2008 10:19 PM
03-11-2008 10:47 PM - edited 03-11-2008 10:48 PM
Your data is not like what I gave as an assumption. Your file is comma separated, not tab separated. Your data is in column 1 and the time is in column 3. Your time is in seconds with millisecond resolution - much different than time in milliseconds. Change your code and use column index 0 for the y array and column index 2 for the time array.
This is pretty basic stuff - simple array manipulation, reviewing the input file (i.e. with Notepad), looking at the actual data returned, etc. There are on-line resources for learning LabVIEW at http://www.ni.com/academic/lv_training/how_learn_lv.htm