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fill waveform graph via property node

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I want to fill a waveform graph wit multiple waveforms programatically. It means, the graph is in the main vi, and I use in another vi the reference of the graph. First I have to resolve the correct reference of the Waveform graph, then I use the "Value" property node. The value must be variant, that should be no problem. But the property node works only with 1D array, and not with 2D.


How can I fill it with 2D array programatically? I use LabView 8.6, see attached sample.



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Message 1 of 6
Why are you going through all of that mess just to pass a graph reference? Right-click on the graph and select Create -> Reference. Now, open the front panel of the subVI. Drag the reference that was created on the block diagram onto the front panel of the subVI. You now have a reference to a graph. Just connect the reference to the subVI terminal, and then wire the reference on the block diagram to the subVI. Done.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
you seem to be using the general control reference rather than the waveform control reference that you have created in case 1
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Message 3 of 6

Thanks for the answers.  


@David_78: doesn´t matter, which reference will be connected to the property node. It doesn´t work with both. The original version has only the reference of the waveform graph, not the generic one. Both should work, because both has "Value" property.


@smercurio_fc: the problem is, that the attached VI is not a subVI of the main VI, which has the waveform graph. So I can´t pass a reference to it. I´m building a .dll, which has a main window with - among other things - this waveform graph. All the other display elements on this window will be manipulated via resolved references, everything works fine except the waveform graph. The way how I get the control reference for the other controls, is the same always - and works fine.


Any idea would help

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author mitulatbati

Hi mitulabati,


You must specify the Data type you will be feeding to your graph, the default type is a 1D Array.

To do this, connect an empty 2D Array directly to the graph, this will change the input settings for your waveform and now the Property node will accept this new data type.


Hope this helps


Message 5 of 6
Thank you fautsch, this works!
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Message 6 of 6