12-17-2013 11:42 AM
I'm trying to programmatically find the default printer. Any suggestions? I know I need to use a property or a method, but not sure which one.
12-17-2013 11:49 AM
The function Query Available Printers. Hint - use the search key on the function palette. Entering 'printer' returns this function.
12-17-2013 11:55 AM
This is a follow up on what I posted yesterday. What I want to do is to query the default printer and store it, set the default printer to what is set in the instrument configuration for repair ticket printer, print the repair ticket, and then set the default value back.
I have setting the default, and the printing aspect, this is the only one left. it's not returning the correct value. The list of printers is right, but not the default.
12-17-2013 12:15 PM
I don't know what could be wrong. When I run it, it matches exactly what windows Devices and Printers shows.
12-17-2013 12:16 PM
I figured it out. I read the fine print and it said that Labview needed to be restarted. I did and it worked. I'm working on the driver to print it and will post it when done.