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finding peak value on graph

I am trying to create a program for students (young kids 6-12) where they would be able to strike a copper pipe of various length then the sound would be taken and plotted by labview. From the plot I am having a hard time to find a way to record the peak value; is there anyway that labview displays the peak value?
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Message 1 of 16

hey, if by peak value u mean the maximum value on Y axis then u can just pass the array of values on Y axis to "max & min" function in array block and get the max value..


if something different then please reply..


Hope it helps



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Message 2 of 16
yes thats exactly it.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

i hope u know how to do it .. in otherwise case some help from myside ..


if u r reading the value from express VI "Acquire sound" the u can use "from DDT" under signal manipulation to get array of Y values then pass it max & min function ..



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Message 4 of 16
I'm attachign my program if you can take a look at it. I have it setup to where when the pipe is striked the sound would be analyzed and graphed with amp vs frequency. It seems as though I messed up with the spectral analysis of converting over to frequency. If you can take a look at it and see if you see the progblem. I have Labview version 8.2.
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Message 5 of 16

If you are interested in the freqeuncy component with the largest amplitude you need to connect the output of the Spectral Measurements VI to the Array Min and Max function. Now you are capturing the maximum amplitude of the time domain signal.



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Message 6 of 16

Can u plese explain what u r expecting to get from it ? your VI consist two express VI and Max/Min function... So please reply with problem you are facing, so that i can look in VI with that perspective..





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Message 7 of 16
I have attached an updated VI. I am trying to set the program up to where a sound is taken, when a pipe is struck, and plotted in the frequency domain. From which it can be determined the max (peak frequency) when i get that all sorted out I will add or let hem use excel to plot peak frequency of 5 or more pipes vs length and set a best fit line to find a function that will allow them to find the length of the pipe knowing the frequency needed.
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Message 8 of 16

Are you still having a problem?  What is happening that you think is not right?


Please run your program and capture a typical sound recording.  Then go to the Edit menu and choose Make Current Values Default.  Save the VI and post it.  That way we can see the data you are working with.



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Message 9 of 16

i re did the program heres what i have i get it to display the peak at each instance I am trying to get the program to display the absolute peak by which i mean the highest frequecy that was achieved durign the run 

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Message 10 of 16