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frequency, cadence, velocity


I am measuring the rpm of a bike wheel.  I have a standard bicycle speedometer with magnets on the spokes passing a coil and sending a voltage pulse.  The counter reads anywhere from 5 to 12 pulses per pass of the magnet so it is not usefull.  The analogue wave form is fairly clear however.  How can I measure the frequency of the voltage pulse?

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Hi Zowb,
the waveform is produced by a oscillating circuit consisting of the coil and the wires to the coil and perhaps the capacity of the input amplifier. There are several ways to abate the waveform, e.g. by decreasing the quality of the oscillating  circuit (I hope I found the right vocabulary since english is not my native language). You can do this with a resistor in row with the coil (little values shoult be good enough). But this also decreases the voltage of the pulse.
In electronics you would solve the problem with a retriggerable monoflop, wich is triggered with the first edge and kept in the triggered state when there are edges before the timeout. So if you want to do this in LV, it depends on the kind of signals you get. If you make an analogue aquisition or a timed polling of digital input you would use the waveform peak to find the lokations of pulses. If yopu use a buffered counter then the hardware gives you this locations directly. Then in a loop you throw all pulses with time differences less than the least expected pulse time at highest wheel speed and collect all passed times in a shift register. This should do it.

Greets, Dave

Message Edited by daveTW on 02-28-2007 10:34 AM

Greets, Dave
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