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ft2232 mpsse mode

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Hi all


i am really new in using ft2232 chip . I want to use it in mpsse mode . I also come across the labview support provided by ftdi and all the related doccumnets . also i read this discussion but i am still not sure how to use the chip in the mpsse mode .


all the document says that i have to give FT_setbitmode command to the chip to select its various mode to use it in mpsse mode . I DONT GET IT . how can i give this command to the chip .


what i am trying to say is that i have a ft2232d chip available to me now i want to use it in mpsse mode.... what should be my next step ? how can i connect this chip to my PC to change its mode? should i develop my own usb interface and connect it to my pc? or do i use the hyperterminal? where do i give the FT_setbitmode  command ? do i use a specific software for it ? or do i need a  specific hardware for it ? or can i simply use the labview posted by FTDI to program it ? if yes then how do i physicaly connect the chip to pc ?


with regards


Message 1 of 8

Hi Ali,


As your questions are specific to working with the FT2232 chip, I would recommend contacting FTDI with your questions. 

Vivek Nath
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Machine Vision
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Message 2 of 8

hi my question is that can i use labview to use the mpsse mode in the chip as FTDI has provided with labview examples .....have anyone  tried it before?



Message 3 of 8
Accepted by nolsqn
lol.  This happens only in AWC. Contact FTDI.
Asad Tirmizi
Design Engineer
Institute of Avionics and Aeronautics

" Its never too late to be, what u want to be"
Using LabVIEW 8.2
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Message 4 of 8


           You have asked so many questions in one post. You seem confuse or have not done your home work properly regarding FT2232 MPSSE Mode. All of your queries are basic and can be easily resolved if you try on them sincerely. I would suggest you to tackle the tasks one by one and refresh your concepts of LabVIEW . GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. Smiley Happy



Ahmad Mustafa

Message 5 of 8
People at Aliased Western Concerns (AWC) are good at it and theyve used it too so may be you can contact them for this problem
Asad Tirmizi
Design Engineer
Institute of Avionics and Aeronautics

" Its never too late to be, what u want to be"
Using LabVIEW 8.2
Message 6 of 8

thankyou ahmed mustafa and asad tirmizi ....

but next time i would appreciate if you can talk to me directly and not to use the forum as the chating medium.....its a place for professional not for some friends to hangout and have fun......

please remember this next time



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Message 7 of 8

Hi Ali,

Currently even I'm interface FTDI chip232H with LabVIEW

1. Were you able to communicate to FTDI chip using LabVIEW (MPSSE) ?

2. Or was any other hardware necessary to talk to device, currently I can only get the device serial number and other details using (SPI_GetChannelInfo function accessible via libMPSSE.dll).

3. I want to read and write data from the register addresses. Please let me know if you were able to do this.

Any other inputs appreciated 

Thank you



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Message 8 of 8