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fullscreen with wmp

I, for the life of me, can not figure out how to run the windows media player object (IWMPPlayer4) in fullscreen mode. If it is possible to do so, I hope someone can help me. I can see where you can read back whether or not the video is in fullscreen mode, but that's as close as I get. Please help me...
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Message 1 of 7
For what you are doing you only need to make a proprty node for the Windows media player and set the full screen property to write and then give it a constant of true. See the attached picture.
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Message 2 of 7

aeastet wrote:
For what you are doing you only need to make a proprty node for the Windows media player and set the full screen property to write and then give it a constant of true. See the attached picture.

Have you tried running that?  I was experimenting the other night with this and found that if you wired a True to that node you get a "catastrophic error"  in a Labview error box that is code "Error -2147418113 occurred at Property Node".  Wiring a false constant does not generate that error.

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Message 3 of 7
I've tried that same thing too. When you wire a true to fullscreen, it gives an error. Any other suggestions?
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Message 4 of 7
I would guess that the full screen functionality of the media player creates an error because it is an embedded activeX object rather than its own program running that can control its own window.
The only idea I can think of is to reset the height and width of the activeX container to be almost the size of the screen resolution.  I think this would take a lot of calculation to determine the screen resolution, height and width of the LV front panel windows, title bar, borders .....  Possibly even programmatically move the top left corner of the window offscreen.  It would probably be best to do this in the front panel of its own subVI which you would open.  And be sure to handle some sort of event to allow you do close that window or restore everything back to a smaller size so that you aren't stuck with a window that you can't close because the title bar is off screen.
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Message 5 of 7


I also try to run the Media Player (IWMPPlayer4) in LabView 8.0. I would like to run it only in the Active X-Container on the Front Panel and not to open the Media PLayer itself. Is it possible?

Another question is, if it possible to set the player to a position where to start. (E.g. start movie at 0:07)?

BTW: Is there anywhere a more explaining help for the properties and methods of media player?

Thanks in advance

Lord Chaos


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Message 6 of 7

I think that you can find more information about making programmatic calls to the Windows Media Player on Microsoft's MSDN website at the link below:

You can also take a look at using ActiveX with LabVIEW to find out how to programmatically make these calls and embed your player. 

Have a great day!

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Message 7 of 7