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generazione e acquisizione dati tramite DAC


sono alle prime armi con Labview e avrei bisogno per il mio progetto di fare un programma che: passandogli dei valori di tensione in un array questi vengono presi da un blocchetto di DAC assistant per alimentare un circuito tramite una DAC della national instrument e successivamente tramite un altro blocchetto DAC assistant devo acquisire campioni generati da questo circuito in seguito all'eccitazione della DAC e salvarli in un altro array


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Buona sera ro,


@ro992000 wrote:

I am new to Labview and I need for my project to make a program that: by passing it voltage values ​​in an array these are taken from a DAC assistant block to power a circuit via a National Instrument DAC and subsequently via another DAC assistant block I have to acquire samples generated by this circuit following the excitation of the DAC and save them in another array

You seem to use the DAQAssistent ExpressVI very heavily: try to stay away from it…

(Learn DAQmx basics and use the DAQmx functions)


It really would help when you would describe your hardware setup and show what you have tried so far!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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