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get / buy old labview version

Hello, I would like to introduce a higher version of lab vi-W for my company (at present 5.0). For my use the version 8.0 is much too extensive and also a little bit too expensive. Therefore I am on the search (so far unsuccessful) after salesmen and prices of older versions. Any hint for me ? Would be superb, if so... Franc
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Message 1 of 8
Your chances are low.  I know your problem, I've had the same myself.  Even getting components for older versions can be hard.  I had to buy the application builder for 8.0 in order to get one for 6.1.  Even then, NI couldn't send me a CD.  I had to get a copy from somewhere else.

The problem with getting an "old" version is that anyone getting the new version will most likele buy an upgrade instead of buying the new program again.  This actually means that they are NOT allowed sell the old version.

However, maybe there is someone here who CAN help you.

Personally, I'm happy with 6.1, even though there ARE a few features which have been introduced since then which would interest me.

Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8
You can try Ebay. I personally doubt someone would really sell a copy of LV 8 starting at nothing because they "don't need it anymore" (something I just saw there), but there are some older versions around. Obviously, this isn't the same as buying from NI, as you don't know the seller.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 3 of 8

I'd be extra careful with buying sw on ebay.. 

As for buying older sw from a company, all you need is an accompanying letter from the co. to NI informing NI that you are now the new owner of the sw (check the licensing agreement).  If the people on ebay (or elsewhere) are willing to do this, then, maybe it's ok. 



Message 4 of 8
Hi All,

I am also interested in getting my hands on older versions of LV. Especially the Linux version for 7.0 or 7.1

I have read numerous posts about LV8 being very bloated and I really dont need any of the new features that is offered, all our currently development is done with 7.0.

Unfortunately, no one seems to be trying to flog the Linux version on eBay.

Any one?


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
Thanks for your quick replies, even though you only had bad news for me.... thx anyways

I'll keep on looking for older versions of lv and will post my results if I am successful ...

best regards

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

It's been 3 years from your last post... did you have any luck?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
It's unlikely that you'll get a response from your post as the person may not visit the forum or may not visit often.
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Message 8 of 8