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getting invalid control id


I'm getting an invalid control ID.  The situation is as follows:  I have a main panel that is the main parent, on this panel, i have a tab control (consisting of one or more tabs).  On each of the tab control there is a panel that i call baseTabPanel which is a child of mainPanel.  On tab_panel I have one or more child panels which I call motorGroupPanel, these panel(s) are children of the baseTabPanel.  The code fails on the line in red (see snippets below), and the error is 

"NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR:   "motorcontrol_ui.c", line 174, col 5, thread id 0x00000E2C:   Library function error (return value == -13 [0xfffffff3]). Invalid control ID"

I have double, and triple-checked the control IDs and they are correct, and give the same values when I 'mouse-over' during debug as the values in the .uir file.

Anyways, Here is the code snippets from main and on:

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

    if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
        return -1;    /* out of memory */

    if(populateUI() < 0)
        return -1;


static int populateUI(void)
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int numMotorGroups;
    static const unsigned char numGroupsPerPage = 8;    //number of motorGroups to be displayed on one page
    static int mainPanel;        //panel that holds everything

    return(makeFirstPage(&mainPanel));    //make the first page



static int makeFirstPage(int *mainPanel)
    static int baseTabPanel;    //panel that resides on each tab
    static int motorGroupPanel;    //panel that each motor group resides on

        int height;
        int width;
        int top;
        int left;

    //load the main Panel that holds everything
    if ((*mainPanel = LoadPanel(0, "motorcontrol_ui.uir", MAIN_PANEL)) < 0)
        return -1;

    //load the base-level panel that resides on each tab
    if((baseTabPanel = LoadPanel(*mainPanel, "motorcontrol_ui.uir", TabPANEL)) < 0)
        return -1;
    //load the panel that holds each motor group
    if((motorGroupPanel = LoadPanel(baseTabPanel, "motorcontrol_ui.uir", MtGrpPnl)) < 0)
        return -1;
    //Get the top, left position and width, height of the main panel to set the child UI components to
    GetCtrlAttribute(*mainPanel, MAIN_PANEL, ATTR_LEFT, &mainPanelAttr.left);   FAILS HERE
    GetCtrlAttribute(*mainPanel, MAIN_PANEL, ATTR_TOP, &;   
    GetCtrlAttribute(*mainPanel, MAIN_PANEL, ATTR_HEIGHT, &mainPanelAttr.height);
    GetCtrlAttribute(*mainPanel, MAIN_PANEL, ATTR_WIDTH, &mainPanelAttr.width);

    //Set the Top, left, width and height of base-level panel to the same as the mainPanel
    SetCtrlAttribute(baseTabPanel, TabPANEL, ATTR_LEFT, mainPanelAttr.left);
    SetCtrlAttribute(baseTabPanel, TabPANEL, ATTR_TOP,;   
    SetCtrlAttribute(baseTabPanel, TabPANEL, ATTR_HEIGHT, mainPanelAttr.height);   
    SetCtrlAttribute(baseTabPanel, TabPANEL, ATTR_WIDTH, mainPanelAttr.width);   

    //set the Top, left of the motor group panel to the same as the mainPanel
    SetCtrlAttribute(motorGroupPanel, MtGrpPnl, ATTR_LEFT, mainPanelAttr.left);
    SetCtrlAttribute(motorGroupPanel, MtGrpPnl, ATTR_TOP,;
    //Display the main Panel
    //Display the base-level tab panel
    //Display the motor group panel
    return 0;

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Message 1 of 4
duplicate post

Doing this does not help you in getting answers, especially since your question is a CVI-related question.
Message 2 of 4
I realized that I had posted it to the wrong forum originally.  Then I went back and posted it to the correct one.  Sorry!
I looked but could'nt find a way to delete the message from this there a way to do this?

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Message 3 of 4
That's ok. Being able to delete one's own posts is something that comes up quite often. NI has taken the approach of not allowing posts to be deleted. You can send an email to NI indicating that you want a post to be deleted and they can do so. You can also post a follow-up message indicating this request as they do read all posts on the boards.
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Message 4 of 4