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grabbing numbers from an array of type double and outputting them into a text file

In a program im creating i need to save some coordinates of a micropositioner i have into a text file,

I have the coordinates saved into an array that has 6 digits of precision (6 places after the decimal point).

I use the number to string conversion and wire that into the write to text file function in labview.  When i open the file

the numbers that are only displayed are the ones to the left of the decimal point.  I know the number to decimal string function

rounds the values so if i were to input 3.111111 it would only output the string "3" instead of "3.111111" . 

So to get all the digits onto the file without rounding i multiplied the number by 10^6 but the decimal point will be lost at that point.


Is there anyway i can convert numbers into strings without labview rounding to the nearest whole number also without having to multiply by 10^6 and without having to expect the user to know that the coordinates saved in a file are multiplied by an order of magnitude of a million ? 







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Message 1 of 3
Why are you using Number to Decimal String? The output is an integer as explained in the help. Use Number to Fractional String.
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Message 2 of 3
ed oh i guess i just missed that function on the pallete after i saw that the function went from number to hex, octal, etc. i assumed that the rest on that row would be some sort of conversion to a different base number, haha thanks.
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Message 3 of 3