05-19-2015 08:28 AM
Hello everyone,
I have a pulse generator which produces 8 pulses (100µs each, 5V each) with a frequency of 1Hz (but it's not very accurate). So I have to set, via labview, the oscilloscope timebase and the oscilloscope trigger in such a way to fit each pulse in the display and save the data for that pulse.
In other words I have to display one pulse at a time, save the data for this pulse and the go to the other pulse since all the 8 pulses have gone.
I have already done the part for saving the data but I don't know how to do the other part.
Can someone help me with this?
05-19-2015 08:39 AM
05-19-2015 09:03 AM
Yes, it's oscilloscope from Lecroy and I alrealdy have the drivers. My problem is that: since I have these 8 pulses which come from the pulse generator, I want to display into the oscilloscope one pulse at a time (and so set the oscilloscope timebase and the oscilloscpe trigger in such a way that it can recognize the rising edge of the pulse and so it can display only one pulse; then saves the data for this pulse and then goes to the next pulse; when the pulses have finished stop the .vi).
But since I don't know how much time tooks from the first pulse until the last one (but I know the pulses are 😎 I think I have to edit the holdoff of the oscilloscope but I don't know how and I haven't a lot of confidence with the oscilloscope (I'm learning to work with this instruments so I don't know a lot about that).
05-19-2015 09:13 AM
05-19-2015 11:17 AM
05-19-2015 12:08 PM