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histogram maching(specification)>>>VI where

hi  memeber

i am looking for histogram maching or specification VI

i find histogram equalization in LABVIEW VI but thier is no histogram maching or specification

Does it exist?
Otherwise, I wonder if someone have it???

best regards


hi ?Q>

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Message 1 of 4

Hi mangood,


Could you explain a bit about what you are planning to use this function for? That might help people better understand what sort of function you're looking for.

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Message 2 of 4

@_Tim wrote:

Hi mangood,


Could you explain a bit about what you are planning to use this function for? That might help people better understand what sort of function you're looking for.


i have an specific histrogram

so any gray image came i need to make mapping of its histogram to that specific histrom ( histogram maching(specification))


any help please



hi ?Q>

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Message 3 of 4

There are a few options out there depending on what you have available to you. If you have the Vision Development Module, you can take a look at this example. Some other cameras such as the NI Smart Cameras and some Camera Link cameras, can make use of this IMAQ function.

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Message 4 of 4