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how can i store a motor value to be last value before it stops

I'am attaching one VI . In this VI i'am using a motor such that when I give a string like +500\r\nZ the motor will rotate 500 steps and reads 500, When I switch it off it reads zero to avaoid it what I have to do. I need the read value to be the last value when the motor is on. Can YOu please help me.

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Message 1 of 4

Asking same question at different place doesnt solve problem fast. See my last VI uploaded in your last question. 

Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.

I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
Message 2 of 4

it will not solv ethe problem


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Message 3 of 4

Stating directly - 'it will not solv ethe problem'. doesnt solve problem.


Tell me what is the requirement or in the last VI what else you need ?


That may solve the problem

Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.

I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
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Message 4 of 4