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how can read and process data uploded from a datalogger on a network with labview

hello evryone.


i have a agilent datalogger 34972a data acquire temperature reading and makes them availlable on a network. i would like to acess this data on a pc running labview, analyse and prsent them. my problem is that i am not quite sure how to tell labview acquire this specific data.


any help would really help me getting started.


thanks already.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
Without details on how the data is being published to the network, it is impossible to say.

One option is to connect to the instrument with LabVIEW. There is a driver available. Use Help> Find Instrument Drivers to install it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Are you


  1. Running the Agilent stand alone (or using Benchlink) and writing data to a file on the network ?
  2. Do you want to use LabView to control the networked data logger and aquire data? 

If you are doing #1 then you can not use LabView because the Agilent (and Benchlink) strores data in a proparitary format.

You have to use Benchlink to export the data to a CSV file before any other program besides Benchlink can read it.


If you want to do #2 then you simply access the Agilent through VISA just like if it were connected using USB, Serial, or GPIB. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Good day Man.


thanks for your answere.


i actually want to go for options 2. the dataloger is at a remote location and i connect to it using a ethernet with a network switch.if i followed you, i just have to get labview to recognise it as an instrument connected to the PC.let say i had other devices such PC  on that network would labview differentiate them and only reconise the specific datalogger using the agilent drivers and ni-visa.

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Message 4 of 5

Use the IP address of the Agilent. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 5 of 5