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how display a subvi's front panel in a main vi's tab control?

i would like to have the subvi's front panel as a tab on my main vi... is it possible?
thank you
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Message 1 of 32
Yes you can
Use Sub panel Control
Read this Link
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Message 2 of 32
Check out hte examples related to subpanels. They are exactly what you are looking for.


Certified Professional Instructor
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LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

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Message 3 of 32

Also in LabVIEW>> Find Examples>>Building User Interfaces>>General>> find the frollowing sample vi's

  • Simple
  • Subpanel
  • Subpanel
Message 4 of 32


You can have your Sub VI's FP on the Tab Control of the Main VI.

All you ve to do is place a Sub Panel on each Tab page wherein you wish to call different Sub VIs.

See the attached VI in LV 7.1 for more details & modify it as per your requirement.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Message 5 of 32
ok thank you.
Is it a good way to run a sub vi and display its front panel in the same time (two loops independant)? Because an error message occurs saying: "labview: memory is full"
Do you know if it is due to my computeur or Labview?
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Message 6 of 32
Typically if your computer has enough memory to run Windows it has enough to run LabVIEW - it will be slow, but it will run. Out of memory errors like you cited tend to be related to the way your software is written. Can you post some coded - or at least a screen shot of your code to help us determine the problem?

Also, how long does it take for the error to pop up? Is there anything that you are doing when operating the VI that seems to be generating the problem?


Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 7 of 32

Do you keep growing any array uncontrolled inside your code ?

If you post your code or screenshot, it ll shed some light for us to fix it up.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Message 8 of 32

i'm sorry it was a mistake!!!

it finally works.

thank you very much


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Message 9 of 32


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Message 10 of 32