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how do I create a maximum or minimum value during continuous acquisition?

have you tried removing the scaling vi which is at point 6 (graph-example program.jpg)?


TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 29

Yes, I've tried playing around with it. Removing it also doesn't work. Nothing shows up on the graph when I completely remove Step 6. I think the whole program is specifically written for unscaled data. I'm just not sure how to create a program that will take basic binary data and display it on a graph. 

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Message 12 of 29

It would be better if you can post the code.

debugging a code from a .jpg image would be difficult.


so, if you can give the code which are using, we can have a look into it and suggest what you can try.

TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 29

Sure thing. I'll attach the code, as well as the example program code.

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Message 14 of 29

You are writing the data as array of wavforms, but are trying to read it back as type DBL. The types need to match.

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Message 15 of 29

Would you recommend changing my program to write the data as type DBL or changing the example program code to read back the array of waveforms? The way my program is set up is ideal for the application at hand. So how would I change the example program to read the array?

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Message 16 of 29

Right-click the "array of waveforms" wire and select "create constant". Move that constant to the grapher program and wire it to the type input (replacing the current scalar DBL). Depending on what you want, you can also take the cluster constant out of the array container first.


Since the graphing program now uses different datatypes, some more changes are obviously needed.

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Message 17 of 29

hihi i have problem too. my minimum value is always zero how can i alter it? I will be given a whole list of raw data and i have to open it using labview then find the min max and average of the data . everythinUntitled.pngg work fine except the minimum value

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Message 18 of 29

I've been playing around with it and I'm still having trouble with this. I'm not sure why I'm wiring a constant in the "array of waveforms". I do understand that by somehow creating a different type in my program and moving that type into the graph program's input, it will change how the grapher program will display my data. But I'm not sure why it has to be a constant, because it's asking for a plain numerical value.

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Message 19 of 29

@weiweineko wrote:

hihi i have problem too. my minimum value is always zero how can i alter it?

Code pictures are useless. Please attach a real VI, including some typical data.

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Message 20 of 29