03-05-2015 04:36 PM
I have a table of numerical values. Rows correspond to discrete values of a parameter, columns to discrete values of a second parameter. I want tin interpolate a scalar value from the table :
Table Z = f(X,Y)
find Zi,j corresponding to specified X and Y values (which may not be the exact discrete valuescorresponding to rows and columns).
So, I want to find Z(1.5, 3) from a table
X 1 2 3
2 10 15 20
4 50 60 70
The results would be Z = 33.75
The LUT routines interpolate an entire table rather than giving a single answer. earlier discussions have posted routines that find the nearest table entry but do not interpolate between entries.
This sounds very simple....
03-05-2015 05:39 PM
Have a look at the bilinear interpolation examples quoted in the various links of this idea.
(Use threshold array to get the fractional array index from the axis mapping)
03-06-2015 10:11 AM
Thanks! The function is exactly what I was looking for.