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how do i use active X to write an excel file?

I am collecing data from the serial port into an array. I can either write to excel while I collect data or after I have stopped the acquisition. I can see how to open and close the excel file, but I am not sure how to write it and whether I need to use the variant node. Thank-you very much!
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Message 1 of 3

Do you have to use active x. why not just use to the write to spreadheet vi in the file i/o pallette.This would be the easiest way and it is a tab delimited file the can be opened with excel. but if you want to go active x then I for one suggest you look at the shipping examples for labview.I have lv 7.0 and there is some good shipping examples in there. I am also sending you some Key VI's that I have found all over the internet. have fun with them. If you have any more questions then let me know but I think this should take of you. just a little bit of advice I would stream the data to disk using write to spreadsheet then maybe use active x and excel to bring up the file once it has been written.

Hope this helps


Message 2 of 3
If you want to directly write to Excel, another thing you could use is the Report Generation Toolkit. There are Excel Specific VIs which allow you to store data into Excel files easily.

Jeremy L.
National Instruments
Jeremy L.
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 3