12-13-2013 02:36 AM
how i conect de sensor HC-SR04 in labview interface whit arduino?
i have a proyects and i dont have idea in what about conect this sensor i labview 😕
12-13-2013 07:55 AM
Almost all of the work is in connecting the sensor to the arduino and writing arduino code. Your LabVIEW program is just going to be a simple serial read. Have you tried Google? There are several tutorials/instructions on how to physically connect and the actual arduino code. Here is just one.
p.s. To be a bit frank, I'm surprised that anyone in this day and age needs to be told about Google (or whatever your favorite search engine is).
12-13-2013 04:00 PM - last edited on 06-03-2024 10:02 AM by Content Cleaner
Hello sacg94,
Thanks for using NI’s forums! Additional to the information that Dennis provided I send you a small example of the NI Community that uses the sensor that you just mentioned. Please note that the example uses the Arduino toolkit for LabVIEW.
Toolkit: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019TmpSAE&l=en-US
Hope this helps!
Luis C.
National Instruments México
Ingeniería de Aplicaciones
12-13-2013 08:40 PM
yeah but the LIFA whit this sensor generate a error in the arduino program 😕
12-13-2013 09:30 PM
12-13-2013 10:01 PM
the sensor
12-13-2013 10:02 PM
its coming from the arduino code 😕
12-13-2013 10:31 PM
12-14-2013 03:04 AM
okay the image no work but i need the steps for conect the sensor in my labview 😕 you can help me in this?
12-14-2013 01:25 PM