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how many pcs can be activated with a Labview Professional dev.system licence?

on howmany PCs can i activate Labview Pro. development system with a Serial Number ?





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Message 1 of 9
Did you read your license agreement? You are allowed three: two at work and one at home. You can activate more but you would be violating your agreement with NI. There is nothing stopping you from activating 25. I am sure that you would eventually get a call from NI however.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

If the license is a "machine license" it may be installed and activated on 1 machine (however, many users may use it.)

If the license is a "user license" It may be installed on three machines but only 1 user may access it and the user must not use it on multiple machines at the same time.  Also as a curtosey, NI permits named users to maintain an activated copy on their home machine if it is the same NI Product. (Can't use Mac at home and Windows at work.) 


If the license is subject to a Volume License Agreement the terms of the VLA controll the deployment of the licenses

Message Edited by Jeff Bohrer on 01-11-2010 09:43 AM

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 3 of 9

RENN wrote:

on howmany PCs can i activate Labview Pro. development system with a Serial Number ?






I had a bad couple of days worth of OS re-installs trying to get my laptop working.  I think I activated LabVIEW on it a couple of time (3 or 4) and never got rejected byt he authentication server or a phone call from NI.  I think that their authentication server is more there to make sure something isn't "out in the wild" rather than to enforce the 2 or 3 installations (whatever the license grants).  I have NI Developer Suite installed on my work computer and my home laptop.  I build and distribute the code that runs on "test" machines.  NI Licensing really works well for me :).

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Nickerbocker wrote: 

I had a bad couple of days worth of OS re-installs trying to get my laptop working.  I think I activated LabVIEW on it a couple of time (3 or 4) and never got rejected byt he authentication server or a phone call from NI.  I think that their authentication server is more there to make sure something isn't "out in the wild" rather than to enforce the 2 or 3 installations (whatever the license grants).  I have NI Developer Suite installed on my work computer and my home laptop.  I build and distribute the code that runs on "test" machines.  NI Licensing really works well for me :).

The license manager is smarter than that. Eventhough you installed the OS several times and the actual machine ID probably did change because of that, you did not completely change the machine itself, and the machine ID is based on several characteristics of your hardware and software installation. So the license server can detect if it is just a reinstalled machine or instead a completely different one.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 5 of 9

rolfk wrote:

Nickerbocker wrote: 

I had a bad couple of days worth of OS re-installs trying to get my laptop working.  I think I activated LabVIEW on it a couple of time (3 or 4) and never got rejected byt he authentication server or a phone call from NI.  I think that their authentication server is more there to make sure something isn't "out in the wild" rather than to enforce the 2 or 3 installations (whatever the license grants).  I have NI Developer Suite installed on my work computer and my home laptop.  I build and distribute the code that runs on "test" machines.  NI Licensing really works well for me :).

The license manager is smarter than that. Eventhough you installed the OS several times and the actual machine ID probably did change because of that, you did not completely change the machine itself, and the machine ID is based on several characteristics of your hardware and software installation. So the license server can detect if it is just a reinstalled machine or instead a completely different one.

That is truly smart. I never knew this!!!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Yes, you can activate as many PCs as much u want, but as others said, its violating rules.


Though its depends on the company, they can activate all employee's PC with single license Key...


Hope u r getting iit...

Vaibhav Gandhi
B.E. Instrumentation & Control,
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

Yes, you can activate as many PCs as much u want, but as others said, its violating rules.


Though its depends on the company, they can activate all employee's PC with single license Key...


Hope u r getting it...

Vaibhav Gandhi
B.E. Instrumentation & Control,
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Vaibhav G wrote:

Yes, you can activate as many PCs as much u want, but as others said, its violating rules.


Though its depends on the company, they can activate all employee's PC with single license Key...


Hope u r getting iit...

But i have a feeling they wont mind it as long as we are not deploying labVIEW without a valid licence. 

Message 9 of 9