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how the SVE assign udp port?

anyone know how the SVE assigns its UDP port
for example:
a SV client reads 5k points data from SVE which locates at romete side
             1. how many UDP ports will be opened for SV client
             2. how many UDP ports will be opened for SVE server
         is there any rules to assign the UDP ports?
one more question
       is there any limitation for the number of SV in SVE, if there are 100k points, it works or not?
thanks in advance
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Message 1 of 5
This KnowledgeBase should help you find the answers you need. Hope this helps!

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

thanks for the reply

how the SVE assign the UDP port for every client is not very clear, can you clarify more details?

for example,  a client reads 1k points SV from server,

1.whether each of SV in client need a UDP ports, in this case, that means 1k UDP ports open in client. if not, how the LABVIEW assign the port? what is the assign rule? many UDP ports need for server?



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Message 3 of 5
Do you mean, if you have 1000 separate shared variables, how many UPD ports are opened up for communication?

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
there are 10000 shared variables in server (SVE), and1000 shared variables in client which need to be updated simultaneously,
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Message 5 of 5