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how to create labview function generator please help me

Hai this is guru,i'm unable to develop function generator in labview so please give me suggestions how to develop function generator in labview and also provide function generator vi(block diagram) to me ........please reply me as soon as possible...................


here im attach created function generator but it does not show exact output this diagram the signal has more signal fluctuations and please tell me how to remove signal fluctuations and bring to steady state o/p

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Message 1 of 9

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Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 2 of 9

thank you and by using waveform gen in labview upto how much freqency we can vary and how to interfacing labview function gen to instruments please help me and give various methods for daq of labview function generator to external world

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Message 3 of 9

hai i am getting difficulity for interfacing of lanview function generator with ardunio and please help me and provide a block diagram and some basic steps for interfacing labview  function genrator with arduino 

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Message 4 of 9
You haven't provided any information on the programming of the arduino or your actual LabVIEW code. If you are generating a waveform in LabVIEW, are you transmitting it point by point? This is going to be slow and the frequency of the arduino output won't have any relationship to the frequency of the LabVIEW waveform. I would suggest that you go to some arduino forums and learn how to generate a waveform on the arduino itself where you pass it just the necessary parameters (shape, frequency, number of samples, etc).
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Message 5 of 9

ok sir, i will check it and  i  have another problem i.e how to create both function generator and spectrum analyser in labview aso please help me and provide me block diagram of labview function generator and spectrum analyser........................please help me sir

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Message 6 of 9
Help> Find Examples.
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Message 7 of 9

sir i didn't find correct one so please provide me sample spectrum analyser  to me 


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Message 8 of 9
What do you mean by correct one. What is the exact problem you are having with the examples? Your questions are very ambiguous.
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Message 9 of 9