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how to implement producer consumer loop to enhance the speed,

Hello All,


I need to plot a graph as well as intensity plot. but for large number of data points the intensity graph slows down.

I know producer consumenr loop implementation can enhance the speed, but i m not able to figure out , how to implement it in my design..

please help..

i m posting jpg image as well as VI,  VI wont run as it needs supportng dll files which I can not share.


Thanks in advance

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I think your real problem is how you are handling the 2D array.  Instead of building the array and cutting it down, you might want to try preallocating the array (using initialize array) and then use Replace Array Subset to add your new data.  If you keep track of the index to replace in a shift register (increment with each replace, set back to 0 when you go to far), you can effectively create a circular buffer for your intesity graph.

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