07-23-2013 09:17 AM
Hi everyonne, i'm looking for a program who can integrate the peak.
I use this program that I found in this foro but the area always apears zero... I don't know how to solve
is anyone who now about ?¿
I'm a beginner, srry for my english is so bad >.<
07-23-2013 10:04 AM
Well, it's going to be hard for any of us (except if the one who wrote the VI, if s/he's on the forums) to fix what you have since the funny-looking node with many inputs and outputs is called a Code Interface Node and means that what is behind it is written in some other language (hit ctrl-H to bring up context-sensitive help and sit your cursor on the node to see). So I would suggest writing your own code with the LabVIEW tools available.
You'll probably want to use the Peak Detector VI, maybe the Threshold Detector and/or some Filtering (smoothing) VI, then the Numerical Integration VI. Before you write your code, however, you really have to sit down and decide things like how you are going to determine a peak's start and end, whether you are going to want to split peaks which do not come down to baseline in between, and the maximum and minimum width of a peak in your application. Then write code to put that into practice. There are many options valid for different applications, and we can not tell you which one you want to use here.
07-23-2013 12:25 PM
hi jocuma,
does samples.txt contain some example data you want to integrate?
You could use uneven integration.vi or numeric integration.vi from the mathematics>Integration & Differentiation VIs palette, like this:
07-23-2013 12:51 PM
hi people thanks for your answers....
Alex I tried your VI and the result2 it's good 😉
it works perfectly ^^
Now... I need more help srry.. I want to see the max peak on the Y is it possible to do thiss?
07-23-2013 01:37 PM
I find the solution thanks ^^