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how to read multiple datalog file at once ?

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hello friends..


anyone can help me to show how to read multiple datalog file at once ?


here is the example of my case.

i have a folder contains 500 files. each file contains a waveform data and its parameter.

and then i want to make spectral map of those file, because those files were recorded in sequence.

the point is how to read thoses 500 files at once ? i have made a program to read those files but the program can read those file in one by one. so this is very uncomfortable to read 500 files one by one. anyone can help me to solve this problem ? thank you. i hope you can show me the program. thanks again.. 🙂

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Message 1 of 4



A quick paragraph on what you are trying to do without enough detail, and then a "show me the program" is not going to get you much help.


You need to "show us the program", as in the one you say you have to read the files.  Then point out where you are having problems, then you will be able to get some useful help.  We don't have your files, we don't know what these spectral maps are, we aren't going to write a program for you.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by the jojo

Hi jojo,


well, in the fiile functions palette you will find a function to list a folder's content. Use this to get the names of all your datalog files, then use a FOR loop to read them.


No one is forced to provide 500 filenames manually - that's why we use a programming language to let the computer do the stupid work Smiley Wink

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 3 of 4

okay. thank you for your answer GerdW. i'll try it, i hope i can find the way 🙂


for Ravens Fan : hi ravens, spectral map is a method to understand the characteristic of waveform FFT signal when its aligned to a rotating speed. that's the simple explanation. thank you 🙂

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Message 4 of 4