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how to save data (problem about saving data into excel)

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I do not know but I think I have posted this massage befor but without any result, so pleas forgive me.
I am using PCI DAS08 for 8 analoge signals. but for saving O faced a problem
in the excel I have some fields with -5 value which is not my real data
te if you scrol down I will get just some data and again -5
I have attached the files
would you please help me, I do really appreciate your help
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Message 1 of 12
I think your problem is caused by having the Write to Measurement File outside the case statement and race conditions with your local variables. As far as I can tell, the case statement is not needed at all and you should eliminate all local variables. Try the attached modification. I also cleaned up some of your wires. Because you are using a non-NI board, I could not run the VI.
Message 2 of 12

Thanks ever so much for you help Dennis.  You are right I have used that program from universal libarary. as I did not know some parts of it I just left thoes parts. thatks for your time man.

I have checked the modifid that you kindly spent time on it, it has just a liitle problem as I run that it will finish soon without any result, I mean that as I push the run bottom it will end fast regardless of anything. I have checked the excell mad by that program and all the value is -5 volts. I have checked with my sensor and simulate one of them but ther is no change and still all the fields are -5 volts

(as it does not last for a while and end as I push the run bottom do you think that my while loop has a problem?)

I am really sorry for taking your time Dennis


KInd regards, and appreciate you all help

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Message 3 of 12

Because I don't have the DAQ library that you use, I really had to guess about the output of the GETSTAT function you were ANDing with the stop button. If it outputs a TRUE, then the loop will stop after one iteration. It may simply require you to invert this output or replace the OR function I used.

As far as the recording of a -5, it would help if you could post the VI with some data. Once you have it so that it runs continuously, runit until you have some data displayed on the graphs. Stop the VI and go to Edit>Make Current Values Default. Save the VI and post that.

Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 09-01-2007 10:50 AM

Message 4 of 12
Hello Dennis Thanks for your time and attention. I know it is hard to guess because you do not have the DAS
I have replaced the OR function and changed the the condition box to false so I can get continuse data
but still all of them are -5 (an other issuess is that in the excel colum time changes after some time
I mean start from 0 till 10 (lets say) and again start from 0
I have posted the excel
Dennis, let me thank you one more for yor time,  Great Labviewer 😉
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Message 5 of 12
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Message 6 of 12
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Message 7 of 12
Sorry, I misunderstood the problem. I thought that the only place you were seeing the -5 volts was in the file. You are seeing the -5 returned by the DAQ device. I don't know if I can help with that. There may be a problem with the function you aer using, the DAQ device, or your wiring. I wish I could help more. Is there a simple example from the vendor that you can run and see if the problem exists there. Does the vendor provide any utility like MAX to check the device out?
Message 8 of 12

Thanks Dennis

I am sure that the data aquisition system is working properly because in another program it was working but the problem with that one was that it was so slow I do not know why? my sampling rate was the sam but that one was so slow so I switched to this program which was faster but I am not able to save data properly

I mean by slow that when I wanna plot the waveform it is so slow. ( after pushing the run bottom it took 1 min just to show me the fluctuations)

anyway I know you helped me alot before so I really appreciate that



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Message 9 of 12
Accepted by topic author kiarash
All I can say is that there is no problem with the saving of data. There is a problem with the acquiring of data. The output array from the GETSTAT function is all zeroes. The conversion to DBL by ToEng converts that to -5.
Message 10 of 12