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how to save test data displayed on the screen ?

there are many test data display on the screen, is there any good way to save all these data to EXCEL file ? I remember the CVI can save the screen data at a time, the labview , I don't know how .
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Message 1 of 8

There is a VI called something like "write to spreadsheet." You can append (add data onto a file) or create a brand new file. If you need a deeper explanation or had a different answer in mind, just let me know.

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Message 2 of 8
if there are only several test items need to save, it is easy to do use "write to measure " ,but if there are 40 or 50 or much more, it seems not easy to do like that please explain deeply,thank you very much
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Well, if you have 40 data points, then it should work very earily. If you have 40 arrays, then that would be a very cluttered spreadsheet file...


When you want to create a new spreadsheet and keep adding data onto it, you just use multiple 'write to spreadsheet' VIs and the output file feeds to the input file of the next one, which will append to it vertically (adds onto the bottom of the spreadsheet).

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Message 4 of 8
Could you provide sample LV code for reference ? I'm a LV beginner, I used CVI before
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Message 5 of 8

Sure, here you will see a pink line coming from the left which is all of my data. I also have some data parameters which I enter in first just so I can add the date and stuff like that. On the VI on the right there is a 'true' constant which sets append to true, so the data will be written on the same file as 'Data Parameters' that I put in.

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Message 6 of 8
I'm collecting the CNC machines' cycle time via OPC server, total 100 machines , that mean I need to create 100 shared variables for storing the time ( in second) , the attached picture is the HMI, if can save these data at a time, it will save my time to go to the workshop for collecting the data
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Message 7 of 8

Hi apple2,


there is no ready-to-use ExpressVI that saves all values from a front panel to a file. Point. Also not in CVI...


You have to make that on your own! Simply collect all values in an array and save the array to a spreadsheet file as mentioned before.

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 8 of 8