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how to set the background of a ring

Hi all


I would like to turn a classic style menu ring control into a label.

Therefore I have to set it disabled and the background color of the ring with the arrow to transparent.

This brings me to the question:

How can I access the background color of a menu ring and its arrow by a property node?


Thanks and have a nice weekend



Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

This probably does exist in one of the properties for the ring (such as Text.BG Color or something like that, but I don't have LV in front of me. Also, there are a couple of them there), but why not just do it manually?

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi tst


Unfortunately this didn't solve my problem. Because the BGColor property isn't the right as you can see on the attached picture.

I think I need the color property of the frame and the down arrow but I cannot find it.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Looking through the properties I don't see these properties either. Like I said, you could just do this manually.


If you really need to change this at run-time, then make the ring transparent manually and put another control behind it. Then, just change the color of that control and it should look the same.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hi Benjamin


Interested to know why you wish to change your ring control to look as a label, with transparent appearance.


May be we can find a better solution, if you share what your goal is, or how this feature is reflected in your application.

TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi Freelance


I have a few controls for a

I would like to have a setup form which I can switch from editor to viewer mode.

The best approach to implement this seems to change the BG and text color of the controls and switch it to disable. An other solution is to have a tab control with 2 tabs on it. One for viewer and one for editor mode but then I have to maintain both tabs. I mean then I have to shift the controls and indicators so that they are exactly overlapping, I think this couldn't be the right way.


Nevertheless, every suggestion is appreciated!

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

@Benjamin Button wrote:


I have a few controls for a

I would like to have a setup form which I can switch from editor to viewer mode.

The best approach to implement this seems to change the BG and text color of the controls and switch it to disable. 

If I understand you right, you have few controls/indicators which can be edited in the edit mode. The same can be viewed in the viewer mode, without making changes. Can all controls be edited in the edit mode? Is just 'disable and greyed out' not a sufficient solution? Are you looking at making the appearance of FP objects more better?
Or, having controls in edit mode and indicators in viewer mode an option? Can we have a code?

@Benjamin Button wrote:

An other solution is to have a tab control with 2 tabs on it. One for viewer and one for editor mode but then I have to maintain both tabs. I mean then I have to shift the controls and indicators so that they are exactly overlapping, I think this couldn't be the right way.


Nevertheless, every suggestion is appreciated!

What does 'maintain both tabs' mean? I am not able to grasp why you need to shift the FP objects to the other tab. Exactly overlapping on what? A sample VI will help.


I shall meanwhile, try to see if there are any other options of meetng your requirement of making the FP control transparent. Meanwhile, the option suggested by 'tst' is a work around.



TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hello Benjamin,


I don't know if I get your question right. If you want to modify this kind of properties of your ring. You have to create a def. type, and then you can customize your control. Attached you have the ring that I customized.


To create a def. type, you right-click and you choose "Make typ. def" of that menu, then again, right click and choose "open type def" and you can change the colors like I did (pushing ctrl+shift+left click), you choose the brush of the menu that is shows, you do a right click on the ring part that you want to change and you can choose the color that that part is going to show. 


I hope this helps. 

Have a good day!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8