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how to use delay using boolean inputs

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Accepted by topic author kavharshre

I don't understand why you need two switches.


Would something like the attached work?

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Message 11 of 35

thank you sir.With one single switch things are working.The boolean problem is solved


thank you



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Message 12 of 35

dear sir

I am trying to generate a trapezoidal wave on oscilloscope  using a boolean switch.when switch activates a trapezoidal wave should be generated with speed 20 rpm

Sir I have created two VI s .How to connect both VI not understanding .I went through help of labview.still not understanding.Sir can you please give some examples for both




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Message 13 of 35
dear sir I have manages to generate a trapezoidal wave. Now I want to connect to boolean switch such that when high wave should be genrated either using if loop or case. I am attaching the files. regards kn
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Message 14 of 35

@kavharshre wrote:
 I am attaching the files. regards kn

There is nothing attached....

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 35

dear sir

sorry sir files did not get attached.Sir actually this is one VI and I want toconnect to other VI also.





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Message 16 of 35

Why do you need 8 parameters to define a trapezoidal?

Why do you need so many (broken) case structures if there are only two states?

Also, please set all controls to reasonable default values before saving, so we have some idea what's normal.

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Message 17 of 35



Actually when sur switch is high then only waveform should be displayed else no waveform.can't get it

I am attaching the file


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Message 18 of 35

As I said already, please put typical default values into all controls and make the new values default. You attached VI has all values at zero and we don't know what you are using.


You have a dataflow problem (among may other problems!). Your switch is outside the loop, thus it will only get read once when the program starts and never again. If you want the updated value to be read at each loop iteration, the terminal belongs inside the loop.


Also mind your data representations. All "points" inputs should be blue (I32). All other inputs should be outside the inner FOR loops, because they should not change during the inner loops.

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Message 19 of 35

dear sir

I have modified as per your mail.try_sur I want the wave only when switch is high else no output.But now when I run the program it remains constant.


secondly sir I have attached a main and subvi program. in sub vi it generates some frequency on enable at output. on connector pane inputs are enable and freq .This works

Now in main again taken all elements in while loop op element connected to output terminal of connector pane.this

Actually I want to connect subvi to main vi.

attaching files.

sir can u give me some alternate method for subvi also as well as wave generation with other loops if else etc


thanking you




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Message 20 of 35