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how to use method of one class in other class.

Hi.I am new to object orient approach .I am developing a project which has a class as application .My class has it state control as another class which is notification class.I want to use my notification class method (init)in my application class method .i have also used read and write accessors vis.But i have broken lines in my code.Please help me correct it. and print screen is attached below.

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Message 1 of 4
Why does LabVIEW say the wires are broken?


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Message 2 of 4

I see one broken wire due to 2 sources.  Not sure what is happening inside of the FOR loop though.  Can you post your project (or at least a reduced version that shows the issue)?

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Message 3 of 4

On the left, you have wired 2 sources on the same tunnel/wire, so that's 1 broken wire.

In the For loop, you are trying to wire a "Red" object from the first subVI to the input of the "Green" subVI, so a "Green" object. If Red is not a descendant class of Green (or share a common ancestor), it is not permitted.

FInally, the output of the For loop, is a 1D array of "Green" objects, which is probably not the same data type as the input of the last subVI on the right (it's probably a "Green" object scalar).


Overall, you can use the "List Errors" dialog box (Ctrl+L) to debug your code, and make exhaustive use of the contextual help (Ctrl+H) to see what is going on when focusing a broken wire.


Regards 🙂

Eric M. - Senior Software Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Architect - Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer - Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer
Neosoft Technologies inc.

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