12-23-2024 08:52 PM
How can I create a fitting function in LabVIEW similar to the one in the provided origin file?
12-24-2024 01:12 AM
Chances are that few people here know how to work with origin files.
Why don't you show us your data and explain what model you want to fit.
The fitting palette has tools for simple exponential fits and for more complicated models you can use nonlinear fitting tools.
For some ideas, have a look at my group.
12-24-2024 02:04 AM
I would like to create a fitting function in LabVIEW that fits the data starting from a specific value, similar to the provided shape. I am sharing a sample dataset as a .txt file. I would appreciate it if you could help me create this.
12-24-2024 11:06 AM
@dlehdgh20 wrote:
I would like to create a fitting function in LabVIEW that fits the data starting from a specific value, similar to the provided shape. I am sharing a sample dataset as a .txt file. I would appreciate it if you could help me create this.
OK, this is a double-exponential decay with offset starting at the peak (which is not exactly at t=0 so you might need also a parameter for that unless you can guarantee that t0 is at the right place. Then you also need some criteria what points at negative times and near zero to omit. Obviously, all points to the left don't fit the red line at all. Alternatively, you could use a more complicated model where the left is an exponential rise Or you could set the weight to zero to ignore these points.
Should the program determine what points to omit, do you want to use a cursor to manually select, or do you just want to keep all values that have nonnegative time delay?
Note that your results are truncated and we cannot read the value for y0 (missing the digits after the E). Are you sure that we cannot assume that Y0=0, simplifying the model?
In any case, if you look at some of my examples you should have no problem implementing this as long as you have some basic LabVIEW knowledge. Do you?
12-29-2024 06:41 PM
Thank you for your response. It would be great if the program could automatically determine which points to exclude. I'm not sure if assuming y0=0 to simplify the model is valid. Additionally, in the double-exponential model, it would be helpful to identify the values of the two time constants.
12-30-2024 06:21 PM
@dlehdgh20 wrote:
Additionally, in the double-exponential model, it would be helpful to identify the values of the two time constants.
Fitting to such a nonlinear model will of course give all best fit parameters. That's the purpose of fitting! What have you tried?