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imaq copy error reason not found


When I try to run the attached program it encountered the following problems.


Error -1074396120 occurred at IMAQ Copy


Possible reason(s):

IMAQ Vision: Not an image.

Error -1074396120 occurred at IMAQ Extract Single Color Plane


Possible reason(s):

IMAQ Vision: Not an image.

I dont know how to debug it. Please help me.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4


Instead of







Before the change I was not able to get any image in the "acquired image control"; after the change I was able to get image to display. However, I don't have color camera so I am not able to test further.  Make the change and let's know your results.


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Message 2 of 4

I modified the code as you mentioned and got this problem now


Error -1074396120 occurred at IMAQ Copy


Possible reason(s):

IMAQ Vision: Not an image.


Error -1074396120 occurred at IMAQ Extract Single Color Plane

Possible reason(s):

IMAQ Vision: Not an image.

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Message 3 of 4

Can anybody help me solve the errors to run the program. My college project deadline is nearing and discussion forums are my only source of programing help and guidance. . 

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Message 4 of 4