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imaq picture resample -> show resultung image - which PlugIn necessary?

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In my application a picture is resampled and than displayed in front panel. But on one PC there came the message that a plug in is missing for display the image. I have no idea, what is missing. The plug in can be load by right mouse button and the context menu on the front panel element showing the picture. On another PC it is no problem and the plug in is automatically found by LabView itself while loading the application vi.


In my opinion the software listed by the measurement and automation explorer is complete (see attachment)?



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Message 1 of 3

Hello ThoB,


have you tried to reinstall or repair the LV and Vision installation on this PC?

Its correct that the application was build with LV 7.1 and Vision Development Module 7.1?

Have you installed the Vision RunTime Engine on this PC?

Can you paste a ScreenShot when the message for the Plugin prompt?

Can you paste the code so i can test it on my PC?

best regards
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author ThoB
..OK, I get it. The problem was, that NI Vision was installed at first and than the LabView development package. After deinstallation of NI Vision and reinstall it, it works.
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Message 3 of 3