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importing excel data to labVIEW, filtering them, and exporting them back to excel

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Dear labVIEW specialists,


I have about 2500 data each for acceleration and force  stored in two excel spreadsheet columns together with time data in another column. My problem is to cleanse  my data from noises so I could generate fine sinusoidal signals for my thesis. I am yet new to labVIEW and I would like to seek assistance for importing my data to labVIEW,  filtering them, and exporting them back to excel. Please help me. I am attaching my data herein. thank you so much.




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Message 1 of 20
Accepted by froebaruch


these could be good starting points:


There are a few examples shipped with Labview,too.





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Message 2 of 20

You're going to need to be more specific. Which part are you needing help with?

Reading the data into Excel? This has been asked MANY times. Have you tried a search? Examples have been posted.
Filtering the data? What kind of filtering do you specifically need?

Writing the data back out to Excel? This is the opposite of the first. Again, examples have been posted, and LabVIEW even ships with an example that writes a table to an Excel file.


Also, what do you mean by "force stored"? Are you saying some other program gives you this data, and it generates an Excel file? It would be easier to simply use a tab-delimited text file. Then, you wouldn't have to deal with ActiveX in order to read/write Excel files.

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Message 3 of 20

Hello, Marco.


Thank you very, very much for what you sent. I tried examining them and these are all a great help to me myself being very neophyte in labVIEW. I'll use those that could assist me in coming up with what I want to do with my data. I shall convey to you soonest any further developments as to this regard. Thanks again and my best regards.




@MarcoMauri wrote:


these could be good starting points:


There are a few examples shipped with Labview,too.






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Message 4 of 20

hi, smercurio_fc.


I am very happy to find out you are one of those who responded to my request for assistance. I have actually read some of your replies to querries in this site. AdmittedIy, I am a neophyte to labVIEW having been introduced to it barely several weeks ago and currently I am not yet quite familiar to many of its operations. Though it sounds too elementary, I need help on the three aspects: importing Excel data to labVIEW, filtering these data, and exporting them back to Excel. I have tried importing through csv files and tab delimited files but they wouldn't run apparently due to connection errors which I found hard to correct. I have done a search on the matter including some related solutions of yours. Obviously, I need to read and practice a lot to learn a lot. Unfotunately, I am catching up a deadline for my thesis in mid-Oct 2012 and so I have to seek assistance from experts like you and your group. Yes, you are right. My data came from the mechanical device I designed and were read by a load cell and an accelerometer. Through a data logger, they were sent to the computer where a program generated an excel file where they were stored for ready use. 

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Message 5 of 20

Dear labVIEW Specialists, 


I would like to apologize for a mistake I made. When I clicked "Accept as a solution...", I had in mind those sent by Marco as starters, to use them to solve my current problem which is yet far from over. Truth to tell, I haven't solved my problem yet; and this is what I hope for to achieve using Marco's starters. 


My apologies for giving you the impression that my problem has been solved.





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Message 6 of 20

Hi froebaruch,


You mention that you tried importing from Excel using CSV. Is this the example you followed?


If not you may take a look at that. I would recommend getting started by first just trying to read in and display the data so that you have the first step done correctly.


Also, how is your progress going with the other tutorial sent from Marco?

Kaitlin N.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 7 of 20

In order to correctly import you need to match the data format. What is the format of your Excel files? Do you have headers? Do you have mixed column formats? Can you upload an example Excel file?


If you have headers and mixed column formats (i.e., one column is text, another is a date, and others are numeric), then you will need to read the Excel file as a 2D array of strings and you will need to parse the array row by row, or column by column. I posted a simple example of reading an Excel workbook into a 2D array of strings here:

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Message 8 of 20

Hello, Kaitlin-N


Nope.That was not the example I first had. The first example I used I downloaded it from the net. The procedure was however too general for a neophyte like me to fill in the missing details. I tried working at it, however, but the thing didn't run due to wiring problems. I am making some progress with Marco's tutorials though I have to admit I am so dumb there are portions I could not put up or least comprehend. but I am learning the process bit by bit. I discovered, as I learn more, more and more things crop up for me to learn much more to cope with the ensuing complications. Thank you so much for your concern and help. With your assistance, I believe I can catch up with my deadline.


My best regards. 



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Message 9 of 20

Hi, smercurio_fc.


I am using standard excel (xls) file format. I have actually attached an example of my excel time-force-acceleration data in my initial post. I am gladly attaching the same for your reference. I don't think I have mixed columns as all my data are numeric in nature although they have text headings in time, force, and acceleration, each having a column of its own. My main problem actually is to remove the noise in my force and acceleration signals. That is why I am trying to import these data into LabVIEW where they shall be filtered and send the filtered data back to excel. I have tried several examples including similar solutions you sent to people you have already helped. Nevertheless, I am a complete neophyte and stranger to LabVIEW and I have to really start from scratch in my learning process. Bit by bit, though, I am currently learning it. thank you so much for the example you sent. That would be a very great help; and thanks a lot for the assistance you shared. I shall do what you suggested and show to you later the results.


My best regards and GOD  bless!

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Message 10 of 20