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hi all....i am a rookie of Labview....

just wanna ask a simple question....

thanks all~


I wanna make summation of an input....

then i use the function "time domain"....

and i save the result inside an "indicator" for further promgramming....

all these data are put inside an "true case"....


Here comes the problem....

Since i wanna initlize the value inside the indicator each time i swap the case from false to ture.....

how can i set this....


thx alot

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Welcome to LabVIEW.  You may find it beneficial to take a look at this tutorial.


See the attached vi.  You should know that you are not storing the results of the summation inside of the indicator, you are just updating a display on the front panel.  You will not have access to these results for later programming. If you want to actually store them you will need to put them in a shift register holding a 1D array of doubles.   Ask more questions as they come up.

Message Edited by jmcbee on 04-15-2009 02:28 PM
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hey there,


Sounds like you might want to use a "property node." These property nodes will change the properties of what you want programmatically. To create one of these, just right click the control or indicator that you want and select create>>property node>>value.


This will change the value to whatever you want whenever you want it. I made it so that every time you enter the false case, it sets the indicator back to zero.



Message Edited by Chris_VH on 04-15-2009 03:29 PM
Chris Van Horn
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Thx for your reply....


i know wt u mean....

but i am wondering whether i can use the same "numeric" to input the data every time i enter the false case.


1. i store the value inside the numeric in the false case

2.then it swap to the true case

3. the value is kept for programming in true case

4.the value is initlized after swaaping false case

5. the value is input the same numeric and repeat the above process


thx alot

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I am not sure that I follow you, could you walk through an example using numbers?



LabVIEW rookie wrote:

Thx for your reply....


i know wt u mean....

but i am wondering whether i can use the same "numeric" to input the data every time i enter the false case.


1. i store the value inside the numeric in the false case

2.then it swap to the true case

3. the value is kept for programming in true case

4.the value is initlized after swaaping false case

5. the value is input the same numeric and repeat the above process


thx alot


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hey LabVIEW rookie,


 It looks like the example provided by Chris_VH will do what you are suggesting you are looking for. In his example the code will make the value of the numeric 0 everytime the false case is exicuted. Another option for reinitializing the numberic every time the false case is executed is an Invoke node. You can set whatever value you currently have in the numberic control as the default value and then using the invoke node property Reinitilize To Default.


Invoke node 


Hope this helps





Message Edited by BCho on 04-16-2009 12:26 PM
Hope this helps.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6