Is there anything bad associated with changing the upgrade code besides performing a full install? I dont have a problem with a full install, especially if I don't have to manually ininstall the previous version.
As for something unique or special about this installer all I can think of is that
1.) I updated the LVRTE and all other drivers on my development PC between installers.
2.) The installer creates a folder under Program Files for the EXE and a documentation folder with documentation and a report folder with reports.
3.) Adds "VideoCapX.ocx" to the system folder and adds "RegisterVideoCapXocx.bat" to the Program Files
4.) Creates a shortcut in the Program Menu for the exe and the documentation
5.) Additional Installer- NI LabVIEW RTE 2010 SP1 and NI USI 1.9.0
6.) Run EXE at end of installation "registerVideoCapXocx.bat"