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instrument assistant error on block diagram


I am facing serious trouble while using Chroma DC power supply.

Since I am not familiar with IVI-C or IVI-COM driver, I decided to use Instrument Assistant I/O.

When I use Instrument Assistant and do the following process in property window:

1. Query and Parse *IDN?

2. Write: SOUR:VOLT 10

3.  Write: CONF:OUTP ON


When I say run in the property window, the following operation takes places and I get required operation. where as when I drop this onto block diagram and say RUN, I get an unknown system error. I would like to know why is this problem happening?


I am using LabVIEW 2009 with latest service pack.

Please revert on this as soon as possible. Thanks.



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Message 1 of 2
IVI-C is a C-based driver that comes in the form of a DLL. IVI-COM is a COM-based driver that comes in the form of an ActiveX interface. More details can be found here. Which driver did you download? This appears to be a continuation of this question.
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