03-02-2018 10:35 AM
I call LabVIEW from the command line as:
LabVIEW.exe auto_run.vi -- other.vi regexp
The auto_run.vi has the run when opened flag set, proceeds to gather up the rest of the command line arguments, obtains the hierarchy tree for other.vi, saves all VIs bottom up, if their paths matches the given regexp, then exits.
It seems to run fine, however, the next time I run LabVIEW I get the do you want to investigate popup with this message:
The last time you ran LabVIEW, internal warning 0xB002B199
occurred in DesktopGenInfoVisitor.cpp.
I click NO and continue to LabVIEW, but would rather not receive the message.
This happens with LabVIEW 2015 SP1 f10 64 bits on Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bits.
03-05-2018 01:30 PM
Sometimes LabVIEW can throw an internal warning that has no effect on how things run, which seems to be what you're seeing.
Is there a particular reason that you're running LabVIEW from the command line? Do you see similar behavior when calling LabVIEW from the Start Menu?
03-05-2018 02:30 PM
Seems to have disappeared, in the current form of my VI. The day I posted this it was failing every time, but it hasn't failed ever since.
The reason I'm calling it from the command line is to try to build 4 to 5 different executables, both with LV2015 and LV2017, in an automated way, without user intervention. Now battling a way to bypass the "save dependencies" popups...
03-06-2018 02:27 PM
Gotcha, that makes sense.
Reply here with a screenshot of those popups and I'll see how I can help with that.
03-10-2018 01:36 PM
Failed again today. Popup is just the message in the Subject.
I do have one lvlog file on the lvfailurelog directory, from the previous creaash, that contains this message:
2/27/2018 9:47:53.380 AM
DWarn 0xB002B199: Call chain node index did not match old method of getting index.
e:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\2015\dev\source\DesktopCompiler\DesktopGenInfoVisitor.cpp(500) : DWarn 0xB002B199: Call chain node index did not match old method of getting index.
$Id: //labview/branches/2015/dev/source/DesktopCompiler/DesktopGenInfoVisitor.cpp#8 $
03-12-2018 02:46 PM
Interesting. I've got a few questions that should help diagnose the cause:
03-12-2018 08:36 PM
@Maxwell.BIs there a crash log?
The files in lvfailurelog? Not anymore. I'll look the next time, if there is one.
@Maxwell.BHave you been able to consistently reproduce this warning?
No. It comes and goes.
@Maxwell.BIs there anything that changed shortly before you started seeing this warning?
Every time I saw this warning was when I ran LabVIEW from the command line, from a bat file that calls LV2015 about 5 times, then calls LV2017 about 5 times. The file that is executed has had very minor modifications, mostly trapping errors. The files the "main VI" processes (compiles and save some hierarchies) change whenever people check files in.
03-13-2018 02:26 PM
Have you checked out LabVIEW's Application Builder VIs? If not, you might see if they could be used to implement an automated process.
(Application Builder VIs)
03-19-2018 10:44 AM
- Is there a crash log?
03-19-2018 01:21 PM
Cool, good move on getting a service request opened up. That's one of the best ways to get things sorted out, I'd focus on that.