10-21-2011 01:15 PM
I had DAQmx 8.7 installed on a machine running LabVIEW 8.5.1. When I went to create an application installer, include the DAQmx drivers, and build the installer, the build phase complained about missing DAQmx components. Since the request from LabVIEW was rather cryptic, I wasn't sure where to find the missing components. So, I decided to upgrade to the latest version of DAQmx, 9.4. After that installation, I tried to load a program that uses DAQmx functions, only to find they had disappeared from the functions palette. They are also missing from the ...\Labview8.5\vi.lib directory.
Reading the installer readme afterwards shows that the minimum LabVIEW version DAQmx 9.4 is compatible with is 8.6. So, to what degree did I manage to break my LabVIEW installation? Looking through the installer, it appears DAQmx 9.4 runtime support has been installed. If I copy the DAQmx 8.7 llbs from another machine, will they be incompatible with the DAQmx 9.4 runtime? Is there a way to uninstall DAQmx 9.4 completely and restore 8.7?
Jason Mazzotta
10-21-2011 01:44 PM
You can't copy the llbs from another computer with a different version of DAQmx. The VIs call DLLs and they are going to be different between versions. You can uninstall DAQmx 9.4 from the standard Add/Remove programs (you didn't mention which OS you're using, so I'm assuming Windows). Just select the "National Instruments Software" component and the NI uninstaller will run.
What was the build phase complaining about in the first place?
10-21-2011 01:55 PM
Hi Jason,
Here is the list of all the compatible versions of DAQmx with Labview 8.5, and I also send you a link with the steps of desintstalling the older version of DAQ
10-21-2011 02:00 PM
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I'm running Windows XP. I assume that if I uninstall DAQmx 9.4, I'll be left with no DAQmx support at all? Or, will the uninstaller revert to the earlier version? How do I restore the earlier version, or at least a version that's compatible with LabVIEW 8.5.1? Would I need to go back to the original installation disks? I didn't write down the name of the files the build phase was looking for.
10-21-2011 02:06 PM
You can desinstall daqmx from MAX, in software section, and then install the Daqmx version that you want from ni website.
In this link for example
10-21-2011 02:08 PM
James88, thanks for the reply. That appears to be the solution to the problem. I'll try that out and see what happens.
10-21-2011 02:15 PM
@james88 wrote:
Hi Jason,
Here is the list of all the compatible versions of DAQmx with Labview 8.5, and I also send you a link with the steps of desintstalling the older version of DAQ
Using Older Versions of NI-DAQ (6.9.3) with LabVIEW 7.x or 8.x
JAMES! How about poking someone (with a big stick) to update that chart so it contains information relevant to the OP's question?
10-21-2011 04:05 PM
Hi Jeff
Im sorry, here is the updated chart.
10-25-2011 10:04 AM
I was just wondering if the DAQmx 9.3 (the latest version of DAQmx that is compatabile with LV 8.5.1) or DAQmx9.2.2 worked out for you.
Jason L
10-25-2011 11:12 AM
Hi Jason L,
I tried DAQmx 9.3. I was able to build the application. I then had permissions problems on the machine I wanted to install the application on. Ath this point, I have not tried to resolve those.
Jason M