01-10-2014 12:42 PM
Hi im hopping someone can at least point me in the right direction im trying to have a for loop where i can run it for a x amount of iterations and after completion it will go keep running with a different vi set up and once a go button of some sort is pushed the same for loop will run again for a y amount (can be different amount from the beggining) of iteration until a master stop is pushed.
Essentially this is for a a system of instruments that i run for a set amount of iteration once thats done itll go to a connected relay going to a dummy load after the for loop should be able to be started agin.
i attached my vi to help see what im trying to accomplish
Thanks for the help
01-10-2014 01:09 PM
so i updated and seem to get somewhat what i need but i cant stop the loop
01-10-2014 01:25 PM
Well that code is a bit of a mess!
I ran a clean-up on the BD, showed the For loop conditional terminal and wiered it to "Stop or Error" and sent it out to the main loop stop condition. The Sequence structure was not necessary- you had data dependancy controlling code execution so I got rid of that too.
You really should not open and close your VISA sessions in a loop. Open and configure it once at the begining and close it at the end. I'll let you fix that.
01-10-2014 02:01 PM
thank you for your help and suggestion i highly appreciate them. Im problem im seeing is that the stop button portion when i push go it send true and causes the case structure to go through the true case however after when it sends flase the flase command isnt sent out of the while loop into the case structure inorder to change it to false case?
Thanks again